Let’s Run Tings

So, here I am. This will not be a long blog of perfect sentences and poetic phrases. Well maybe every now and then. But what I will do is be honest. Get to the point. Share my adventures and hopefully inspire you in some divine way. Run Tings is my new luxury footwear design. This shoe line is to inspire anyone who is ready to take charge of their lives and do it in style.

I am fascinated by eclectic shoes. Fancy shoes. Colorful shoes. Make a statement kinda shoes. So my question is where are we going in our shoes? Is it in alignment with our destiny? The truth is from the time we were born until this point, we have taken millions of steps and these steps have brought us to this place. Whoa! Are you happy? Are you on the course you set out on? Are you taking the greatest adventure of your life?

Well, as I create some wonderful, luxurious shoes, I also want you to join me on my adventure as I travel the world and run tings in my own life. I have made a decision to no longer worry more than I smile. Friend it’s time to smile. I am going to go for the exuberance and make no apologies for it. Welcome to the new normal…a black girl's joy and she is ready to do it in style.